
The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA) and the Department of Mathematics of Université de Lomé (Togo) invite you a CIMPA Research school on the theme:

Machine learning Approaches - Application to health data

With the explosion of data in almost all the activities, and particularly in the field of health, there is a growing need to develop new tools for analysis, processing and prediction. These tools require skills in Statistics, Machine Learning and Algorithmics. This CIMPA research school is intended to meet these needs by providing the fundamental and technical skills that will allow a better understanding of the use of masses of data, to understand them, analyze them and extract the information that can be used in order to predict and decide. The school will focus in particular on data from the field of health.

The themes that will be discussed during school are:

  • Optimization and statistics for machine learning,
  • Machine learning and large-scale optimization,
  • Advanced algorithms: randomized and distributed algorithms,
  • Deep learning,
  • Analysis and processing of health data.


Important dates and Venue

Dates : 12 - 23 july 2021

Venue : Université de Lomé (Togo) (The website of Université de Lomé is available here)

Deadline for registration : 9th may 2021.


Who can participate to this Research school ?

PhD and Master degree students, lecturers and researchers from Togo, neighbouring countries, statisticians working for the public administration or a private research organization.


How to participate ?

All persons, except the lecturers, wishing to attend this CIMPA Research School are requested to register using the "Registration" menu of this website.

People from developing countries different from the country of the school (Togo) can apply for a financial support from CIMPA for their costs of participation (travel and/or living expenses) trough the web page:

Applications for financial support must be submitted before 9th may 2021.

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